Sphereium FAQ

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Sphereium, including information about our free image usage, revenue generation methods, art creation process, collaboration opportunities, customization services, and our interest in physical paintings.

1. Are all images free?

Yes, our images are free to use for both commercial and personal use. Please refer to our license for more details.

2. How does Sphereium generate revenue?

While our current focus is on providing the best art for your devices, we plan to generate revenue through paid sponsorships, advertisers, affiliates, merchandise canvas printing, and printing.

3. How do you create your art?

We leverage AI and other digital tools to create art that we and our community can enjoy at no cost.

4. Can I add my art to your gallery?

We are open to collaborations with other artists. Please contact us to explore opportunities to add your art to our collection.

5. Do you offer customizations or accept commissions?

Yes, we can make modifications and review your commissions for custom work. Please contact us for further details.

6. Do you have any real physical paintings?

While we don't currently have any physical paintings, we are interested in partnering with artists to showcase their paintings and promote physical artists.

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